


  • The heating cable is like the sun under the floor
    Dec 05, 2024
    The reason why heating cable heating is called the most ideal heating method in winter is not only because of its economy, safety, convenience, and high quality, but also because it regards people as the main body of life, highlighting the three modern life themes of comfort, health, and environmental protection; Highly humanized design, simple and flexible control methods, bring great convenience to users; The system structure hidden underground maximizes the saving of indoor space. Comfortable physical sensation: The heating cable heating system mainly relies on far-infrared radiation for heat transfer (accounting for more than 60% of the total heat transfer), and its radiation principle is the same as that of solar radiation. The ways of heat transfer are divided into three forms: convection, conduction, and radiation. Radiant heat is the most comfortable way of heat transfer for the human body, giving people a warm feeling like sunshine without air flow or dryness. People can set the most suitable indoor temperature according to their own needs, which is not affected by outdoor temperature or seasonal restrictions, and always maintains a warm and spring like feeling indoors. Having health functions: Due to the use of the ground as a heat dissipation surface, heat is transferred from bottom to top, giving people a feeling of warmth and coolness. According to medical principles, the most comfortable temperature for human foot sensation is 29 ℃, and the most comfortable temperature for head sensation is 18 ℃. The environmental temperature created by the heating cable heating system is exactly in line with the physiological needs of the human body, which is very beneficial to human health. At the same time, far-infrared radiation has health benefits for the human body, making it the most scientific heating method.
  • 加热电缆适用于任何环境和空间
    Dec 14, 2024
    这 加热电缆 供暖系统不受环境条件限制,可以安装在任何有供暖需要的地方。它可以安装在地面、墙壁或天花板上,提供房间供暖、管道防冻保温以及融化室外道路和屋顶的冰雪。特别是对于俱乐部、展览馆、电影院、运动馆等较大的空间,壁挂式散热器的传热距离有限,很难满足整个室内空间的供暖需求。另外,室内热量分布不均匀,地面辐射采暖方式 加热电缆 利用整个地面作为散热器,使室内温度分布均匀。在房间的任何位置,都会有一种温馨舒适的感觉。对于玻璃幕墙结构的大空间建筑,由于散热器不能安装在墙上,所以更适合安装 加热电缆 供暖系统。
  • 电热丝低温辐射供暖系统特点
    Dec 20, 2024
    特征:1.使用 加热电缆 采暖是一种绿色环保的采暖方式,实现零排放、无污染。采暖效果好,升温速率高。2、加热效果好,升温速率高。3、可控性强,真正实现家庭、房间、区域控制,操作方便。4、放弃了管道、管沟、散热片等的建设和投资,节省了土地,增加了使用面积。据统计,可节省土地,增加建筑物使用面积各约3-5%。5、舒适温馨,不占用墙壁,有利于建筑装饰和改造。6、使用寿命长,维护成本低,安装符合法规要求,操作正确。该系统的使用寿命与建筑物相同,多年无需维护或维修。7、安装方便,运行成本低。
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